
There are significant gaps in the regulation of halal food, with seven official accreditation bodies having limited oversight of over 400 certifiers globally. There are 32 official SMIIC-registered standards bodies, there is limited coordination in standards setting, and certifiers globally currently are not required to gain accreditation, and often do not follow official standards for halal.


In kosher food regulation, there is mutual recognition among certifying bodies; for instance, the Chicago Rabbinical Council recognizes 96 certification bodies, including 29 non-U.S. bodies, based on strict adherence to rabbinical law. Further, there is an international association, the Association of Kashrus Organizations (AKO), with 75 certifying bodies as members, including both U.S. and international organizations. The association was founded by the leading five U.S.-based certification bodies, and although it has no formal enforcement powers, it facilitates mutual recognition and discussion of best practices.


According to Joe Regenstein, Professor of Food Science at Cornell University, “The kosher community operates as one, despite differences. They all talk to each other.”

康奈尔大学食品科学教授乔·雷根斯坦(Joe Regenstein)指出:“Kosher机构尽管各自有差异,但仍然是一体的,。

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